Hello from 35023 feet.  I'm typing this post in the air you guys!  Wifi on the plane, kinda the most brilliant thing ever.  We are currently flying over Salt Lake City on our way to New York.  Originally we were supposed to be in New York now but our flight at 10.30 am was cancelled due to the weather.  You know snow, sleet and rain, all those good things.  We only found this out as we were struggling (multiple bags, tired, cranky 3 year old who wanted to lie on the floor at any opportunity) towards our gate.  Thank goodness customer service was right next to where we were ready to burst into tears.  Half an hour later we were re-booked on a flight to San Francisco and then a connecting flight to NY at 4.45!
So here we are.  Not what we expected our Travel Day to be, but we rolled with it, Got to see San Fran from the air and we will be in NY at 1am where it will be a toasty -4.  

So what have we seen so far.  The inside of LAX, which I have to say is quite dingy and dirty for one of the largest airports in the world.  A 5 minute bus trip from International to Domestic, so roads and smog.  And then San Fran from the air.  I know they are 5 hours apart but the landscape between the two is so different.  LA was really dry and in some parts looked almost desert like whereas San Fransisco is much more lush with large mountain ranges and Forests.  No Golden Gate bridge though.  Much to both Ross and My disappointment.  

It's 6.07 LA time.  I'm about to enjoy some cheese and crackers with Ross while Gus sleeps in between us, snoring his cute, utterly exhausted little head off.

Till tomorrow.
So excited.
Love Lil xx

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